Gardening with kids: automatic watering system
I may have mentioned that we love gardening with these kids. Also I may possibly have mentioned that we kill a lot of plants. Well, look at us trying to …
Read MoreI may have mentioned that we love gardening with these kids. Also I may possibly have mentioned that we kill a lot of plants. Well, look at us trying to …
Read MoreIf you happen to be blessedly unfamiliar with the 17 year cicadas, let me enlighten you. They are a species of cicada (yes, those big googly-eyed bugs that make that only exist in order to make that annoying sound so you know it’s hot all summer long) that has evolved to emerge from the ground in force on a 17 year cycle. Unfortunately for us, that doesn’t mean they only come once every 17 years. Each brood comes every seventeen years, but there are overlapping swarms of these things.
Read MoreJack and the Beanstalk simply couldn’t be a more perfect foil for hands on storytelling. First of all, Good Ol’ Jack doesn’t listen to his mother and mass chaos ensues. …
Read MoreIf you enjoyed our review of Make Way for Ducklings, you will no doubt enjoy this live stream, courtesy of the Coralville Public Library. Mrs. Mallard has apparently decided that …
Read MoreMargaret Atwood said: “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” Well, we’ve certainly got that down. This starting new plants thing goes like …
Read MoreeMeals has provided me with a subscription to their service so I can put it through its paces and tell you all about it. I’m wrapping up my first week …
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