Why did you have kids if you don’t want them home with you?
Listen, it is time to stop asking people this question. Because it has ZERO to do with wanting the kids and EVERYTHING to do with needing structure. If a spontaneous …
Read MoreListen, it is time to stop asking people this question. Because it has ZERO to do with wanting the kids and EVERYTHING to do with needing structure. If a spontaneous …
Read MoreOak trees are famous for strength and indomitability. They have a very hard wood, and they live a long time. Their acorns feed many forms of wildlife and occasionally people. …
Read MoreEver buy something that might or might not be a good product just so you won’t have to face the experience of shopping for it again? Yeah, that’s where we are.
Read MoreUse the hashtag #IPlayLikeAGirl to participate! I am so excited to see what some of you share! Creating a strong emotional connection with women and girls, #IPlayLikeAGirl is centered on a one-minute video that showcases sporty girls and young women practicing Yoga, running a mile, lifting weights, dancing and boxing among other physical activities. Condensed into thirty and fifteen second television and radio advertisements, their impactful messages will be seen and heard throughout all of the major broadcast outlets in the Dallas, Texas, region.
Read MoreIf a poorly thought out, sentimental post is not your bag today, please just scroll on, because my cat died. So carefully polished is out, sentimental is in. Now that …
Read MoreWe think about being frugal with our money and using our time efficiently, but do we think about the way we spend our spirits? The constant struggle to “keep up,” to be “ready” is draining. It batters us, and it’s a burden we don’t share with our families. Every single woman I know carries this load alone, sometimes even with the added burden of criticism from a spouse who doesn’t understand why it’s important. It’s a bigger load at holiday time, but we carry it all year.
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