Family Traditions: (Free Printable) Advent Calendar
Here is a crafty Advent project that needs only four things: our free printable, six sheets of cardstock, clothespins or binder clips, some pretty ribbon, and someplace to hang it. …
Read MoreHere is a crafty Advent project that needs only four things: our free printable, six sheets of cardstock, clothespins or binder clips, some pretty ribbon, and someplace to hang it. …
Read MoreYou can make a stuffed toy out of anything. Scraps, fabric you get off freecycle, old sheets, old t-shirts, you name it. Fleece and flannel make particularly cuddly toys, and since blankets and sheets tend to wear out in the middle first, you may be able to score plenty of toy making materials with a “wanted” on your local Freecycle list or the free section of Craig’s List. If you’re planning ahead for next year, be advised that those Christmas prints are going to be on super-duper sale starting sometime in December, and will be going for pennies starting December 26. For some reason, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa prints tend to follow the same sale price schedule, even though they don’t follow the same calendar. You can sometimes find craft panels that will be great gifts at those sales, too.
Read MoreBefore I had kids, I would never, never, NEVER have touched this thing. I might have looked it up to see what it was or I might have killed it …
Read MoreImagine the jubilation when the kids found an Eastern Box Turtle in the yard this morning. Unfortunately for him, they had given him a ride around the yard and several …
Read MoreWhen I saw this post, I thought, man, we’ve gotta do that! That has my dudes’ names written all over it! That rocks! So I added Ivory soap to my shopping list (this is very important- it’s all the air in that 99.44% that makes this trick work) and waited for a lull. I crept into the kitchen and called out (in my best “you are all in trouble” voice) “Who wants to blow stuff up in the microwave?”
Read MoreIf you have a toddler, you know that they are amazing. They are great at so many things- making people smile, finding trouble, mastering new words, making friends, giving hugs… …
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