This post is brought to you by the HoneyBaked Ham Company, Family Easter, and the Letter K. I was compensated by HoneyBaked Ham to create this post. All characters portrayed herein are 100% real and the meal you are about to see will indeed be eaten. Stretchy pants will be necessary.

I come from a family that celebrates things as a hobby. I once told my eldest (he was four) that we were going to his grandparents’ house and he jumped up in the air and screamed, “WAHOOO!” Then he pumped his fist in time with the chant, “LET’S. GET. EATING!!!!” He was being completely accurate. My two year old has learned to associate “Rama’s House” with cake. In other words, we enjoy food. We aren’t what you’d call “foodies,” but we are particular in that we like GOOD food. One of the staples of our celebrations is Honeybaked Ham.
That said. Anyone who’s ever seen a cake decorated by Yours Truly knows that it’s all about the eating and the time with friends and family around here. (And to all the people who have found my posts by searching for “cake decorating ideas,” listen, I’m really sorry. Google must be having fun at your expense.)
If you enjoy working on the perfect presentation, I am pleased to come to your house and oooh and ahhh over your table. I’ll even take pictures and post them on the internet, if you want, because I think that’s awesome. But it’s just not my cup of tea. I want my guests to be comfortable. I want them to have a good time. And above all, I want them to be well fed. That’s why “get a HoneyBaked Ham” is a long-standing item in my arsenal of tips on “how to have a good time without killing yourself.” You can serve one as part of a formal meal, or add rolls, condiments, and a knife for a help-yourself buffet. (I think I just told you that I like them because they’re delicious and because they are cheating… I get points for a nice presentation without having to actually pull it off. Just keeping it real, here.)
Our Easter Sunday is always a big, beautiful mess. It’s sometimes the first warm family get together of the year, so we are in and out and there are happy children running around underfoot (more of those every year, because we are very fortunate) and Sometimes There Are Dogs. If you add that pandemonium to trying to actually prepare a fancy meal from scratch, you have the potential for the kind of outcome that makes a great story but not the best meal. (Remind me sometime to tell you the one about the time the Thanksgiving turkey fell out of my oven.)
I come from a long line of engineers, and although I myself didn’t travel that path, I DID get the “let’s test it” gene. That’s what we do here. We put things to the test, and if we can’t break it, it’s good. So I took my two year old to the Honeybaked Ham store with me. Cranky. And it was totally fine. (You can refrigerate your ham for 7-10 days, so if you want to beat the rush go soon.) If I were really giving this a trial run for you I’d have waited until the last possible minute. Maybe next year. This year, I’m not worrying about anything, because dinner is in the bag, and it says HONEYBAKED on the side.
Guess what: they also have sides. And turkey and chicken. And lunch. While I’m here- let me give a HUGE shoutout to the Alexandria HoneyBaked Ham location. Not only did they pass the Shopping With A Toddler test, they should be giving seminars on how to offer good customer service.
ANYWAY. Here are some awesome coupons for you, including one for $5 off your ham. (Only good at participating locations.) Also, be sure to enter to be one of 20 people to win a $50 gift card to Honeybaked Ham:
a Rafflecopter giveaway