No pre-school experience would be complete without exposure to and enjoyment of nursery rhymes, songs, fingerplays, and music! The book, What Your Preschooler Needs to Know, sounds like a dry guide to how to teach your kid, but is in fact a charmingly illustrated compendium of such things that no parent of a preschooler should be without. It’s one of my son’s favorite books, since he knows that his favorite stories are all in there!
You can also find some great resources for nursery rhymes, songs, and fingerplays online!
Music & Movement ideas and activities: http://www.nncc.org/Series/good.time.music.html
Nursery Rhymes http://www.mothergoose.com/Rhymes/Azrhymes.htm
Free Music Downloads http://freekidsmusic.com/
Ladybug Magazine http://www.ladybugmagkids.com/
This is intended to be a companion to your Lady Bug subscription, so they add new content frequently. It’s got music, interactive games, and more.
Songs with lyrics and music: http://www.kididdles.com/